Audio: Better Days

Well, well, well, here we are. To say the last few years have been a bit hectic would be a true understatement. That’s not even accounting for the pandemic! I’m not really one for a lot of hyperbole, but I think that that last sentence is deserving of an exclamation point.

While I knew I needed to slow down on the website because it started to feel like burning the candle at both ends, it was never really my intention to come to a complete full stop. I just needed a break to focus on some other things in life. Honestly, the longer the preplanned break went on, the harder it became. It felt like pilot light went out.

It’s not like there weren’t lots of side conversations about new projects and new reviews happening in the background. I was just enjoying taking my time. But then something happened.

Mid summer of 2020, we lost a dear friend to an evil disease. Cancer. It really threw me back on my heels. our friend meant a great deal to me, even if in retrospect, I admired them far too quietly. (life lesson: tell them you love them, often)

At a small (socially distanced) gathering of friends last summer, i was coaxed into playing some records again. That moment, while fleeting, struck a familiar bust lost chord deep inside me. It reminded me of good times and better days. And the importance friends keeping friends close. On the bright side, that day sent me on a slow path back here again. But this time isn’t going to be the same. This little project will continue to celebrate all the little details that make life so beautiful - including not just the sights, but the sounds.

Let’s start with this audio mix entitled, Better Days . It is a sound track for doing whatever it is you do. I just hope it makes you happy.

More Better Days to come.